Workshops BY: NEST

Deepen your self-study using our four simple and effective principles—Nourish, Empower, Shape, and Transform (NEST).

Feel good. Do good.


Created for Your Well-Being

The Workshop

At BY: NEST, we believe four essential principles—Nourish, Empower, Shape, and Transform—must be present and practiced to create meaningful personal change and harmony in a woman’s life. Our founder, Charman Driver, guides you through an innovative process and collaborative journey that invites you to cultivate self-love, self-care, and set intrinsic goals.

Our Foundation

We use the acronym NEST, metaphorically, as a way to describe our foundation and it’s practice of self-maintenance and self-preservation. A nest is vulnerable to its environs, and it takes time and considerable work to build. A bird will persistently go back and forth to the nest, gathering sticks and grass. Searching for sturdy materials; swapping out old materials for fresher, better ones—all for the best possible nest.

Building your metaphorical NEST strengthens you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Construction never ends—it’s a lifelong journey—but your NEST will become strong, even able to sustain the weight of others in it. If the weight gets too heavy to bear and your NEST breaks off or falls apart, you will have the strength and resilience to put it back together—stronger than ever.


What You’ll Learn


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When a woman nourishes herself deeply, she nourishes humanity.

• Discover nourishing daily rituals that invite you to pay attention and listen to your body, wholistically—mind, body and spirit. 

• Learn ways to help you steer daily nourishment in the right direction.

• Understand the basics of nourishing your whole self with food—physically, mentally, emotionally, and nutritionally.


Let’s unearth what matters most, attaining inner strength and doing what is necessary to preserve your well-being.



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Realizing your true self is deep, inquisitive, and empowering work.

• Learn to tell your story and re-write your script.

• Realize the potency of being your own best advocate.

• Cultivate self-love, self-care, and set intrinsic goals.

Take a stand to live the way you believe you should. Then challenge yourself to show up, do something good in the world, and empower others.



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It is essential that the body move, and how we feel in our body matters. 

• Understand and apply beneficial approaches that can improve physical health and appearance.

• Work on developing love for your unique body.

• Discover the wisdom of the body and learn to listen to it.

To shape a path to a fitter life, there must be movement.



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One must prepare, practice, and have purpose to transform.

• Commit to using tools such as meditation, mindfulness, and rest to guide transformation.

• Learn to cultivate better stress management, optimism, and personal accountability.

• Experience the restorative benefits of spending time in nature.

You already have everything you need to transform yourself into a person you can admire and love.



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When Charman was a speaker at our Happy Hour salon series, she brought down the house with a powerful, heart-led talk. Through courageously sharing her personal journey of overcoming and mission to make a difference, she moved and inspired our packed audience. With BY: NEST and her remarkable example, Charman empowers us to love ourselves, live on purpose and make an even greater impact in our communities.
— Nadira & Ryan Hurley Founders, Vert & Vogue

Founded in 2008, Vert & Vogue is a certified B Corporation and has been recognized as a top women’s contemporary store in the country. It’s located in downtown Durham.

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The evaluation results for Charman Driver’s 2019 presentation and workshops are in and they are overwhelmingly positive. Our franchisees report that they were actively engaged throughout the day due to Ms. Driver’s interactive presentation style and her dynamic speaking ability. We received numerous positive comments regarding Charman’s use of the BY: NEST foundation and techniques. Her workshops kept attendees engaged, while providing helpful tools and action items to impact their overall wellness.
— Harriet Mills, CEO, Wine & Design